Entries by fineglitterpowder

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Biodegradable GLitter Frequently Asked Questions

What is BIodegradable Glitter made from? Biodegradable Glitter is made from a special biodegradable film name eucalyptus trees which is derived from sustainable and environmentally sourced raw materials. How long does it take for Biodegradable Glitter to biodegrade? Rate of biodegradation is dependent upon composting conditions. The biodegradable film is accredited according to the standards referred to in the previous […]

What is embossing powder?

  What is embossing powder? Embossing powder is a kind of powder made of a special kind of plastic which will can be melted and run together when heated by using a heat tool. The content of the powder is still a kind of business secret but we can share some of the content : There are 90% something like  hexamethylenediamine and stearic acid , around 10 % of Titanium and 5% Calcium carbonate,also mixed with some mica too.  How to use the […]

The future of glitter shaker

Today is Christmas day,we are constantly striving to improve the quality of life for millions across more than 100 countries where our products are distributed. We wish you peace and prosperity in the new year! Wishing you all a very  Merry Christmas & a  Happy New Year   Today I want to talk about the future of […]

What is a real biodegradable bag?

What is a real biodegradable bag? A few days ago,one of my customer ask me for some biodegradable glitter,also she wants package in biodegradable bags. Because she thought biodegradable bags would be PERFECT!I cant agree more. We never use biodegradable bags before but what my job is to solve problem for our customer. I checked […]

Questions about biodegradable glitter

I have got some questions about biodegradable glitter for our customers,so I answer here: 1.Can you provide Holographic glitter in biodegradable ?Can you provide iridescent glitter in biodegradable? Before answering these questions,I would like to introduce you the processing of glitter powder,then you will know the answer. We will talk the most hot productions:metallic glitter,holographic glitter […]

The future of glitter powder

Today I want to talk about the future of the glitter powder. Before talk about the future of glitter powder,we must know the history of glitter powder: 1.In 1934,thanks to the father of glitter powder,in New Jersey,a Machinist named Henry Ruschmann of Bernardsville, invents a new way to grind up plastics to make large quantities […]

The differences between fine glitter and chunky glitter

The differences between fine glitter and chunky glitter I still remember the day ,when the first I become the seller of glitter ,I meet some questions. Glitter powder,fine glitter,chunky glitter,what is the differences?I checked on google but no one replys. Time flys,as I touch people and productions,glitter powders  throughout the month, I accumulate knowledges on my hands. So in this […]